Standards and Governance
Standard for Accepting Electronic Payments
Purpose The purpose of this document is to establish requirements for UNC Charlotte employees and other authorized users regarding the acceptance of electronic payments, including payment (credit/debit) cards and electronic fund transfers (ACH/Wires). Adherence to this standard will help ensure that the University remains compliant with all University, State, National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) […]
Guideline for Daily Cash Management
Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for daily cash management of merchant accounts. Scope This guideline applies to all UNC Charlotte employees, affiliates and authorized users who will interact with payment card data, functions or systems as part of their job duties. Contacts Direct general questions about this guideline to the […]
Guideline for Maintaining Merchant Accounts
Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on maintaining merchant accounts for accepting payment cards (credit and debit cards). Scope This guideline applies to all UNC Charlotte employees, affiliates and authorized users who will interact with payment card data, functions or systems as part of their job duties. Contacts Direct general questions […]
Standard for Handling Cardholder Data
Purpose The purpose of this document is to establish requirements for UNC Charlotte employees and other authorized users regarding the the interaction with Cardholder Data (CHD). Handling includes processing, capturing, storing or transmitting this type of information. Adherence to this standard will help ensure that the University remains compliant with all University, State and Payment […]
University Receipts and Deposit Standards
Cash receipts are guided by University Policy 602.4, University Receipts and Deposit. Policy 602.4 is supported by standards and guidelines developed by Financial Services. These standards and guidelines outline minimum requirements related to University or affiliated entity receipts and are designed to assist departments with implementing Policy 602.4, as well as how they relate to […]
Standard for Non-Recharge Unit Revenues
Purpose This standard serves as a supplement to Section II.C.3 of University Policy 602.12, Revenue Generating Activities. This standard provides guidance on managing revenues and expenditures resulting from department operations, including those related to activities that formerly were a recharge unit (RU) but no longer qualify as such. Scope This standard applies to all revenue-generating […]
Standard for Expenditures from Distinguished Professorship Funds
Purpose Donor-restricted gifts initially made to a University foundation and endowment earnings allowing discretionary spending are considered “discretionary funds” under University Policy 601.8, “Appropriate Use of University Funds” (the “Use of Funds Policy”). The purpose of this standard is to address appropriate uses of donor-restricted funds made available to UNC Charlotte distinguished professors and to […]
Uniform Administrative Requirements for Federal Grants (Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200)
eCFR :: 2 CFR Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards Purpose: To provide requirements for financial management, monitoring and reporting for Federal funding. Last Updated: January 12, 2023
Standard for Student-Oriented Activities
Purpose The purpose of this standard is to provide guidance on the requirements for the use of University funds to pay for student-oriented activities using University funds for a valid University business purpose. Scope This standard applies to all situations where University funds are used. Contacts Direct any general questions about this standard to your […]
Standard for Marketing and Development
Purpose The purpose of this standard is to provide guidance on the requirements for the use of University funds to pay for marketing and development expenses using University funds for a valid University business purpose. Scope This standard applies to all situations where University funds are used. Contacts Direct any general questions about this standard […]