Obtaining and Using a UNC Charlotte Receipt Book

Obtaining a receipt book

  • Please complete the form to request a Receipt Book. Once the Cashiers within the Office of the Bursar receive your request, they will email you and let you know when your book is ready for pick up. Please allow up to 24 hours for them to log your information and reply. 
  • You must be full-time faculty or staff to request a book and you must bring your employee ID card with you to pick up your book. Employee’s are responsible for this book until it is checked back into the Office of the Bursar.

depositing information

The Daily Deposit and Reporting Law (G.S. 147-77) require the depositing of all funds on a daily basis and to report the same on a daily basis. An exemption may be granted provided the funds to be deposited do not exceed $5,000.00 and that they are deposited at least once per week. For additional information, see University Policy 602.4.

using the receipt book

A receipt must be written when receiving payment in cash. The receipt book consists of three copies. The top receipt should be given to the payee, the middle copy should stay with the department and the third copy stays in the book for cashier reconciliation purposes. You will need to bring this book to the Office of the Bursar each time you make a deposit. On the deposit form you should indicate the starting receipt and the last receipt included in the deposit. The cashier will add these receipts to make sure they balance with the deposit form and initial, date, and write down the Banner receipt number on the last receipt.

If you should need to void a receipt please write VOID in big letters across the receipt and all three copies MUST remain in the book. If the top copy has already been torn out, please staple or tape it back in.

When your event is over or all receipts have been used (whichever is first) please return the book back to the Office of the Bursar after all your deposits have been made. The cashier will sign it back in.

**If your receipt book is lost, we will notify the business manager/department head and inform them that you will no longer be able to collect monies on behalf of the department until the receipt book is found.**

If you have any questions regarding these procedures please email the Office of the Bursar at bursar@charlotte.edu.

Last Updated: June 14, 2024