Concur Training

Starting Thursday, August 8, 2024, faculty and staff will have several training opportunities to get familiar with and start using Concur for travel and expense management. This change supports the need to streamline university travel and expense processes while ensuring policy compliance. Concur will also be used to reconcile non-travel purchases made on the university’s purchasing cards (p-cards), eliminating the need for two separate systems. Bank of America will continue to provide p-cards, and individuals’ assigned p-cards will remain the same.

Training Sessions Overview

We encourage you to register for a training session once you need to complete a task in Concur, as you will retain the information better at that time. View the Concur training sessions for 2025 on the OneIT site.

Training Opportunities

These are five separate courses for UNC Charlotte faculty and staff only. You may take any or all of these courses depending on your responsibilities. Session registration is available in the Learning and Development Portal. Note that training will continue to be offered after the initial sessions are complete. View the Concur training sessions for 2025 on the OneIT site.

TopicSession InformationL&D Portal Link for Registration
Concur for DelegatesAug. 8 – Oct. 31, 2024Complete
Concur for TravelersAug. 9 – Oct. 29, 2024Complete
Concur for Purchasing Card Expense Report (Non-travel)Aug. 8 – Oct. 31, 2024Complete
Concur Booking Tool for TravelersThree sessions Aug. 9 – 22, 2024 Complete
Concur Booking Tool for Travel ArrangersFour sessions Aug. 8 – 26, 2024Complete
Concur training topics, session dates and the link to the Learning & Development portal to register

This course will walk employees through the travel request to expense report process in Concur from the perspective of a delegate.

It is intended for employees assigned responsibility for completing travel-related processes for other employees. This course will benefit employees who currently prepare Travel Authorizations (TAs) or Travel Reimbursement Expense Reports (TRERs) for other employees, as well as those who incur travel-related expenses using their purchasing card (p-card).

This course will walk you through the purchasing card (p-card) reconciliation process in Concur (replacing Bank of America Works).

It is intended for employees who reconcile their own p-cards or have been delegated responsibility for reconciling other employees’ p-cards.

This course will walk employees through the travel request to expense report process.

It is intended for employees who travel on behalf of the university and are responsible for preparing their own travel-related processes.

This course will provide a live walk through of booking travel from the perspective of a traveler. It is intended for any employees who travel whether they book their own travel or have another employee book travel on their behalf.

This course will provide a live walk through through the travel booking process from the perspective of a travel arranger. It is intended for employees assigned responsibility for booking travel for other employees.

Join a Concur open mic session for a flexible, interactive opportunity to get your Concur travel and expense report questions answered. These open sessions, without a set agenda, allow employees to bring any queries related to Concur travel, expense reports and non-travel purchasing card issues. Get direct support and answers from the Concur implementation team.

  • When: Weekly through September 2024

This monthly forum will cover a variety of topics that are useful to travelers, such as best practices and the travel reimbursement process from request to expense reporting. The inaugural Concur User Forum was held on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024. Registration for this and future monthly forums is available now in the Learning and Development Portal. The most recent recordings and slide decks are available on the Concur landing page.

  • Recording of a virtual session: The most recent recordings and slide decks are available on the Concur landing page.
  • Micro learning videos: Several brief videos have been added near the beginning of some of the Concur guidance in the Knowledge Base. Note that some of the screens and information in these videos may vary slightly from UNC Charlotte’s instance of Concur.

We understand that a change of this magnitude can be unsettling and we are committed to providing support and training to ensure a smooth and successful adoption of the new system and minimize disruption. We look forward to your participation in these training sessions as we work together to embrace this new system and enhance our processes. If you have questions about Concur or need assistance, submit this Concur Service Request Form.