
Concur Training

Starting Thursday, August 8, faculty and staff will have several training opportunities to get familiar with and start using Concur for travel and expense management. Learn more about and register for the training sessions.

Concur: July 2024 Update

Work with your area business officer to prepare for the transition to Concur to ensure a smoother transition.

New Travel Management Partnership with Christopherson Business Travel

The University has contracted with Christopherson Business Travel to provide travel management services for faculty and staff.

Concur Town Halls

Register for an upcoming session to learn more about this exciting initiative.

Concur: May 2024 Update

Concur will introduce new terminology, such as using “Travel Request” instead of “Travel Authorization.” Meal reimbursements will follow federal GSA rates, with the first and last travel days at 75% of a full-day allowance. Continue using current GSA rates until Concur goes live.

Concur Arriving Soon: What to Expect

In August, UNC Charlotte will implement Concur for travel and expense management.

IRS mileage rate increase Jan. 1

Categories: News Tags: Controller's Office, Travel

Effective Jan. 1, 2024, the IRS increased the business standard mileage rate to 67 cents a mile (up from 65.5 cents), which impacts all individuals who travel on University business. ResourcesPlease start using these updated forms beginning with Jan. 1 travel. Adjustments will be made to comply with the new rate if old forms are […]

Travel Forms Package

Categories: Forms, Resources Tags: Travel

Purpose: This package contains the forms needed to document and request reimbursement for overnight travel. It includes the Travel Authorization Form, Travel Reimbursement & Expense Report, Travel Reimbursement & Expense Report Checklist, and a Group Travel List. There are also form instructions, a rates reference tab, meal tier appendix tab, and a related web links […]

Travel Advance Request

Categories: Forms, Resources Tags: Travel

Purpose: Travelers who are unable to pay for certain out-of-pocket expenses before reimbursement may request a travel advance. This workbook also contains a “Meal Allowance Log.” Departments must obtain approval from Disbursements before the event takes place in order to use this log for a travel advance. Contact Email: Last Updated: February 26, 2024

Overview of Travel (Videos)

Click play for an Overview of Travel Rules for State Employees provided by the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management (NC OSBM). Click play for an Overview of Travel Reimbursement for State Employees provided by the NC OSBM. UNC Charlotte specific travel guidance and forms for faculty and staff are available on the […]