Mileage and Transportation, How to Pay

Payment method:

Authorized travelers can seek reimbursement for mileage, parking, and transportation costs using either the Travel Reimbursement & Expense Report (TRER) Form or the Mileage and Transportation Reimbursement (MTR) Form. The nature of the travel determines which form to use.

This applies to both employee and non-employee travel for valid university purposes.

When to use a Travel Reimbursement & Expense Report Form: Use a TRER for claiming mileage and parking expenses if the traveler claims other travel-related expenses while traveling on pre-approved University business, AND:

  • The trip takes the traveler 35 miles or more from the University duty station; and
  • Involves an overnight stay.

When to use a Mileage and Transportation Reimbursement Form: Use an MTR if the traveler is only claiming mileage and ground transportation expenses from an approved University business trip where there is no overnight stay and subsistence is not reimbursable.

Rationale and other considerations:

If you are using your personal vehicle on approved, official University business, you can be reimbursed for your mileage. Mileage will be reimbursed from the closer of home or duty station.

When driving to the airport mileage is allowed for the trip to and from Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, when you are planning to park your car for the duration of travel, or when a private party is dropping you off at the airport. Please note that mileage from the University is limited to 15 miles each way.

For mileage reimbursement, you should include printed directions that show total miles driven. You may use an online mapping service for this documentation (e.g., Google Maps, Mapquest). If your actual mileage exceeds direct round trip miles, please provide an explanation. Travelers are encouraged to request motor fleet vehicles or use rental cars for University travel, subject to availability.

Note: Please refer to the Safety & Security page for details regarding insurance coverage when using personally-owned or University-owned vehicles.

How to do it:

  1. Review the policies and procedures listed below.
  2. Complete the appropriate form:
    • Travel Reimbursement & Expense Report Form (tab 2 in the link provided below), or
    • Mileage and Transportation Reimbursement Form (link provided below).
  3. Attach required documentation. Documentation depends on the type of reimbursement request and may include:
    • Parking receipts
    • Printed directions that show total miles driven
    • Travel Authorization
  4. Obtain required signatures from traveler and approver.
  5. Submit to Travel & Complex Payments.
Policies Procedures Forms/Links Training and Reference Materials
University Policy 602.7, Travel Authorization and Reimbursement

OSBM Budget Manual (Refer to Section 5 for Travel Policies)

IRS Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses Publication (Publication 463)

University Policy 601.8, Appropriate Use of University Funds

Travel Manual

Safety & Security Insurance Page

Travel Forms Package

Mileage and Transportation Reimbursement (MTR)

General Guide for Travelers

Contact for additional questions:

Send an email to the Travel mailbox at, or refer to the list of contacts on the Travel & Complex Payments website. Last updated 10/05/2018, 7/19/19

Last Updated: July 19, 2019