Manuals - Guides - Procedures
Fuel for Vehicle, How to Pay
Payment method: When traveling on University business in a rental car or Department-owned vehicle, the preferred method for purchasing fuel for a vehicle is to use a University-issued Purchasing Card (P-card). Note: If the University Owned vehicle has a gas card, that card should be used first. If there is no University gas card, then […]
Floral Arrangements, How to Procure and Pay
Payment method: If the purchase of floral arrangements is allowable as outlined in the policies referenced below, the preferred method for purchasing floral arrangements is to use a University-issued Purchasing Card (P-card). The purchase must be under the card limit and must not conflict with any contractual agreement. Other allowable methods include: Note: Refer to […]
Obtaining and Using a UNC Charlotte Receipt Book
Obtaining a receipt book depositing information The Daily Deposit and Reporting Law (G.S. 147-77) require the depositing of all funds on a daily basis and to report the same on a daily basis. An exemption may be granted provided the funds to be deposited do not exceed $5,000.00 and that they are deposited at least […]