Fuel for Vehicle, How to Pay
Payment method:

When traveling on University business in a rental car or Department-owned vehicle, the preferred method for purchasing fuel for a vehicle is to use a University-issued Purchasing Card (P-card). Note: If the University Owned vehicle has a gas card, that card should be used first. If there is no University gas card, then the P-card should be used.
Other allowable methods include:
- Submit a Travel Reimbursement and Expense Report (TRER) when in travel status; or
- Submit an Employee & Student Direct Pay Request form (ESDPR) when not in travel status
Note: Refer to University Policy 601.8, “Appropriate Use of University Funds” to confirm if this is a permissible use of funds for your area (link in table below).
Rationale and other considerations:
The purchase of fuel is allowable on a P-card when the employee is traveling in a rental car or Department-owned vehicle. If the employee is combining business and personal activities in the same trip, only the fuel expense related to the business portion of the trip is allowable. Note: The employee should not request mileage reimbursement when using a rental car for transportation.
How to do it:
- Complete a Travel Authorization (TA) form (applicable for rental car) and obtain supervisor approval (additional special fund approval may be required, such as Grants & Contracts Administration).
- Upon approval of the TA, the traveler or their designee may then use a P-card to make a purchase. When using the P-card for travel expenses, follow the guidelines and processes identified in the Travel Manual (link provided below).
Contact for additional questions:
Email the Disbursements Travel Office at travel@charlotte.edu or refer to the Disbursements-Travel webpage.
Last Updated: August 14, 2019