Other Travel-Related Expenses, How to Pay
Instructions on how to pay for other travel related expenses.
Payment method:

Use a Travel Reimbursement and Expense Report Form to request reimbursement of taxi, ridesharing services, train, bus, ferry, toll expenses, tips/gratuity, or other related expenses incurred while traveling on University business. This applies if the traveler is a:
- Current UNC Charlotte employee,
- Current employee of an NC state agency,
- Student, or
- Independent Contractor.
Other acceptable payment methods include using a University-issued Purchasing Card (“P-Card”).
Note: Refer to University Policy 601.8, “Appropriate Use of University Funds” to confirm if this is a permissible use of funds for your area.
Rationale and other considerations:
Allowable ground transportation expenses include:
- City/local subway, train, bus, taxi, ride-sharing services (i.e., Uber, Lyft), or ferry
- Rental car, if prudent
- Parking (lots and meters)
- Highway/interstate tolls
You will be reimbursed only for transportation used to ensure that you arrive at your business destination – not for personal preference, going to off-site restaurants, or for tourist activities. Original, itemized receipts are required for reimbursement of ground transportation expenses. Receipts are not required for ground transportation expenses under $5, such as parking meter payments (provide an explanation in the comments section of the form). “Tips” do not pertain to meals or tips that are added to other claimed expenses (such as taxi or bus), but rather refers to gratuities for services rendered in which there are no associated costs (example: bell service, housekeeping service, or airport luggage service). When tips are claimed in excess of the guidelines stated in the University Travel Manual, they should be justified in writing and attached to the travel reimbursement form. Please refer to the University Travel Manual (see link below) for additional details.
How to do it:
- Review the policies and procedures listed below.
- Complete the Travel Reimbursement and Expense Report Form (tab 2 in the link provided below), along with additional documentation, if required.
- Submit the completed form(s), along with the previously approved Travel Authorization Form, to Travel & Complex Payments according to the instructions listed on the form.
Contact for additional questions:
Send an email to Travel or refer to the list of contacts on the Travel website.
Contact Email: travel@charlotte.edu
Last Updated: September 14, 2018