Manuals - Guides - Procedures

Financial Statements

Purpose: Provide UNC Charlotte’s annual financial statements and other financial reports prepared by the Controller’s Office. Financial reports Independent Auditor’s Reports The North Carolina Office of the State Auditor (NCOSA) issues an Independent Auditor’s Report on the University’s annual financial statements. These reports are conducted in accordance with generally accepted U.S. auditing standards, including Government […]

Mobile Communication Device (MCD) Allowances

University Policy 602.10, Mobile Communication Device (MCD) Allowances, establishes when the University will provide payment for employee use of MCDs when required to support business activities of the University, along with related administrative requirements. It is drafted with the intention of complying with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other applicable statutes, regulations, and guidance. […]

Salary Overpayments

Origins Campus divisions and departments are ultimately responsible for the accuracy and timely submission of personnel action forms including Personnel Distribution forms (PD7) and time records. Failure to do so may result in overpayments to employees, creating an unnecessary financial burden on the department. Payroll Calendar & Due Dates: Each year, Payroll provides monthly and […]

eCommerce Glossary/Definitions

Attestation: To certify by signature the accuracy and truthfulness of information provided. Attestation is one component of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) validation process. Authorization: In the context of a payment card transaction, authorization is the first step in processing a payment card. It occurs when a merchant enters cardholder data […]

Admin Forum and Admin Chat Room Group

workshops Program for Administrative Certification (PAC) As an administrative employee, you may encounter unfamiliar procedures and questions you may not know the answers to, i.e., Who do you ask? How do you find the answers? Human Resources Learning and Organizational Development offers workshops through the Program for Administrative Certification (PAC) where you will obtain knowledge […]

Merchant Training Requirements

Overview As part of UNC Charlotte’s PCI Compliance program (payment card security), all merchants that accept card information as a form of payment through point of sale, web, phone, or paper form are required to maintain compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to continue to accept payment cards on behalf […]

Purchasing Card Program Training

Purpose: To provide the purchasing card account holder, reconciler and approver roles user training workshop registration information and the related presentation. New biannual cardholder training coming soon! Register for this one-hour virtual P-card user training session by logging into the University’s Learning and Development Portal. Once logged into the Portal, select Learning > Learner Home. […]

Banner Finance/49er Mart

To determine the specific area of training required, review the guide below. Departmental financial responsibilities Users who have departmental financial responsibilities, including grants administration, budget management, use Finance reports or initiate financial paperwork, complete Purchase and purchase approval Users who purchase or approve the purchase of goods and services or enter receiving through 49er Mart, […]

Banner Web Time Entry (WTE)

Target Audience: Student Employment Coordinators and others responsible for approving timesheets for student and non-student temporary employees. Overview: This documentation focuses on web time entry, approving time, and establishing proxies in the Banner Self-Service system. Resources: Below are current user guides for WTE Employee Users and Approvers. Select the button below to view WTE Frequently […]

Business Update Forum

Business update forum Join us as various subject matter experts from Business Affairs and the Office of OneIT provide updates and guidance for navigating the University’s financial and related administrative processes. Planned changes or enhancements to existing processes and systems are also discussed. These sessions are open to UNC Charlotte staff and faculty. Upcoming Forum […]