
Contract Checklist

Contract Review Workflow Contract Checklist Displays the Contract Checklist Flowchart Last Updated: November 13, 2014

Goods and Services Already Provided, How to Pay

Payment method: Complete an Electronic Check Request (eCR) Form within 49er Mart to request payment for goods or services that have already been provided and were not obtained through the issuance of a purchase order. Note: eCRs cannot be created for employees or students. Please submit reimbursement for employees and students on an Employee & […]

Consulting Services, How to Procure and Pay

Definition: Consulting services are services provided by a contractor who is not actively involved in the process being studied, but rather provides expert, outside insight or advisory services about how to complete a task or perform it more efficiently. They possess specialized knowledge, experience, expertise, or professional qualifications that make them ideally suited to provide […]

Software, How to Procure and Pay

Payment method The primary method for purchasing computer software is to use 49er Mart, but purchasing card (p-card) use may also be acceptable on a case-by-case basis. However, before moving forward with any software or IT-related purchase, it must be reviewed and approved by OneIT. To begin this process, employees must complete the Software & […]

Supplies and Equipment, How to Procure and Pay

Payment method: The method for purchasing supplies and equipment is to use 49er Mart. Rationale and other considerations: Orders are processed online through a web browser depending on the type of supplier used. To begin, choose a supplier and proceed with selecting items and placing them in your virtual shopping cart. When you have finished […]

Computers, Printers & Accessories – How to Procure and Pay

Payment method Use 49er Mart to purchase computers, printers or related accessories. Note: Purchase of Apple products from the Niner Tech Computer Store. Refer to the Niner Tech website instructions. All computer and printer purchases must abide by the Guideline for Security of Endpoints. Requests for exceptions to this guideline may be submitted to the […]

IT Procurement Homepage

IT Procurement Homepage The Statewide IT Procurement Office establishes processes, specifications, and standards for IT products and services that are purchased, licensed, or leased by state agencies and educational entities. Last Updated: November 10, 2014

Debarred Vendors – System for Award Management

Debarred Vendors – System for Award Management Last Updated: June 1, 2021

State Term Contracts (NC Department of Administration)

State Term Contracts (NC Department of Administration) The Division of Purchase & Contract is dedicated to providing quality products and services at the best available price. Last Updated: January 7, 2022

State Purchase and Contract

State Purchase and Contract Contains information on purchase and contracts, vendor resources, commodity codes, statewide term contracts, weekly fuel prices, staff contacts, agency contacts, bid opportunities, procurement rules/manuals as well as the procurement information portal. Last Updated: January 7, 2022