Full List of Resources

Memberships, How to Pay

Payment method

Bank of America purchasing card.

The preferred method for paying for memberships to professional associations is to use a University-issued Purchasing Card (P-card).

Other allowable methods include:

  • Submit a Electronic Check Request (eCR) only if payee does not accept a credit card
  • Submit an Employee & Student Direct Pay Request (ESDPR)

Rationale and other considerations

The costs associated with professional memberships related to an employee’s job duties may be allowable. The decision on allowability is based on the requirements in the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) Budget Manual Section 4.7.4, “Membership Dues” (see link below). Generally, OSBM requires that membership dues paid from state funds are 1) approved by the employee’s supervisor and department head or designee; and 2) for the benefit of the University, not the individual. Because the P-card allows for an improved approval and payment process, it is the preferred purchasing method for such transactions.

How to do it

  1. Review the resources below to confirm the allowability of the purchase and obtain supervisor/department head approval.
  2. The membership fee may then be paid using a P-card.
  3. For memberships paid via General Funds, documentation must be uploaded into Works that shows department head approval and attestation that the membership is for the benefit of the University, not the individual.
PoliciesProceduresTraining and Reference Materials

University Policy 601.8, Appropriate Use of University Funds

OSBM Budget Manual (Refer to Section 4.7.4 on Membership Dues)

Purchasing Card Manual

Cardholder/Reconciler/Approver Training

eCR Instructions

Employee/Student Direct Pay Request (ESDPR) Form

Expense Account Codes

Purchasing Card Reference Guide (PCRG)


Email the Purchasing Card staff at purchasingcard@charlotte.edu.

Last Updated: August 29, 2023

Merchant Training Requirements


As part of UNC Charlotte’s PCI Compliance program (payment card security), all merchants that accept card information as a form of payment through point of sale, web, phone, or paper form are required to maintain compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to continue to accept payment cards on behalf of the University or its affiliated entities.

Merchant Training is required under PCI DSS and the University’s Payment (Credit/Debit) Card Processing Procedures section IV. B. for all employees interacting with payment card data, functions, or systems (e.g., credit and debit cards) as part of their job duties. This training is now available on demand as employees are hired and/or change their role, and will be reassigned annually on February 15, as required under PCI DSS and the University’s Payment (Credit/Debit) Card Processing Procedures

  • Complete the Merchant Training request form to request this training for you or your employees. Once assigned, you will receive a separate email notification with more detailed instructions. You will have 30 days to complete the training through the Learning & Development Portal. Reminder notices will be sent to you and your supervisor closer to the due date.
  • This training now includes information for individuals responsible for recording daily Payment Book Receipts. Email cashiersoffice@charlotte.edu if you have any questions about submitting your deposit.

IT Security Training is also an important supplement to merchant training offered through the Learning & Development Portal. It is recommended that employees complete this training prior to interacting with payment card data, functions, or systems (e.g., credit and debit cards) as part of their job duties. This training is required for all University employees and will be reassigned annually in September.

Contact Email: eCommerce@charlotte.edu

Last Updated: October 24, 2024

Mileage & Transportation Reimbursement (MTR)
Categories:Forms, ResourcesTags:Travel

Purpose: This form is for non-employees and students to request reimbursement for miles driven using a personal vehicle as well as parking, ride sharing, light rail or transit pass expenses. All business miles will be reimbursed at the IRS Standard Business Mileage rate, which is subject to change periodically (note that the rate changed, effective January 1, 2025).

Non-employees (e.g., job candidates and speakers) and students will use the current paper forms to handle their expenses until this population transitions into Concur later. Graduate assistants were loaded into Concur as employees at the time of the initial launch.

Note: UNC Charlotte faculty, staff and graduate students should use Concur to submit a mileage-only travel Expense Report.

Contact Email: travel@charlotte.edu

Last Updated: January 1, 2025

Mileage and Transportation, How to Pay

Payment method:

Authorized travelers can seek reimbursement for mileage, parking, and transportation costs using either the Travel Reimbursement & Expense Report (TRER) Form or the Mileage and Transportation Reimbursement (MTR) Form. The nature of the travel determines which form to use.

This applies to both employee and non-employee travel for valid university purposes.

When to use a Travel Reimbursement & Expense Report Form: Use a TRER for claiming mileage and parking expenses if the traveler claims other travel-related expenses while traveling on pre-approved University business, AND:

  • The trip takes the traveler 35 miles or more from the University duty station; and
  • Involves an overnight stay.

When to use a Mileage and Transportation Reimbursement Form: Use an MTR if the traveler is only claiming mileage and ground transportation expenses from an approved University business trip where there is no overnight stay and subsistence is not reimbursable.

Rationale and other considerations:

If you are using your personal vehicle on approved, official University business, you can be reimbursed for your mileage. Mileage will be reimbursed from the closer of home or duty station.

When driving to the airport mileage is allowed for the trip to and from Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, when you are planning to park your car for the duration of travel, or when a private party is dropping you off at the airport. Please note that mileage from the University is limited to 15 miles each way.

For mileage reimbursement, you should include printed directions that show total miles driven. You may use an online mapping service for this documentation (e.g., Google Maps, Mapquest). If your actual mileage exceeds direct round trip miles, please provide an explanation. Travelers are encouraged to request motor fleet vehicles or use rental cars for University travel, subject to availability.

Note: Please refer to the Safety & Security page for details regarding insurance coverage when using personally-owned or University-owned vehicles.

How to do it:

  1. Review the policies and procedures listed below.
  2. Complete the appropriate form:
    • Travel Reimbursement & Expense Report Form (tab 2 in the link provided below), or
    • Mileage and Transportation Reimbursement Form (link provided below).
  3. Attach required documentation. Documentation depends on the type of reimbursement request and may include:
    • Parking receipts
    • Printed directions that show total miles driven
    • Travel Authorization
  4. Obtain required signatures from traveler and approver.
  5. Submit to Travel & Complex Payments.
PoliciesProceduresForms/LinksTraining and Reference Materials
University Policy 602.7, Travel Authorization and Reimbursement

OSBM Budget Manual (Refer to Section 5 for Travel Policies)

IRS Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses Publication (Publication 463)

University Policy 601.8, Appropriate Use of University Funds

Travel Manual

Safety & Security Insurance Page

Travel Forms Package

Mileage and Transportation Reimbursement (MTR)

General Guide for Travelers

Contact for additional questions:

Email the Disbursements Travel Office at travel@charlotte.edu or refer to the Disbursements-Travel webpage.

Last updated 10/05/2018, 7/19/19

Last Updated: July 19, 2019

Missing Receipt Affidavit
Categories:Forms, ResourcesTags:Travel

Purpose: Complete this form for actual missing receipts that include the “5 Ws” (Who, What, When, Where, and Why) in the purchasing card comments or on the reimbursement request (e.g., Travel Expense Report, ESDPR). Note that the Travel or Purchasing Card staff may still request that the payee attempt to obtain a more detailed receipt or otherwise document that a more detailed receipt is unavailable. Get this form signed and dated electronically (preferred) using DocuSign.

UNC Charlotte faculty, staff and graduate students should use Concur to submit a Missing Receipt Declaration.

Contact Email: travel@charlotte.edu

Last Updated: September 25, 2024

Mobile Communication Device (MCD) Allowance Request eForm

Mobile Communication Device (MCD) Allowance Request eForm

Purpose: Use this form to request a mobile communication device (MCD) allowance, per University Policy 602.10, “Mobile Communication Device Allowances,” Section III. Please review the MCD FAQs for additional guidance on completing this eForm.

Last Updated: November 5, 2024

Mobile Communication Device (MCD) Allowances

University Policy 602.10, Mobile Communication Device (MCD) Allowances, establishes when the University will provide payment for employee use of MCDs when required to support business activities of the University, along with related administrative requirements. It is drafted with the intention of complying with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other applicable statutes, regulations, and guidance. This policy was initially approved in September 2009, redesignated from UP-317 to UP 602.10 in October 2017, and last updated in April 2022.

Please see the following guidance:

Please contact your department’s administrative office or the following departments for questions about MCD allowances:

Last Updated: April 26, 2022

Moving Reimbursement & Allowance Request Forms

Purpose: Use this form to request a moving reimbursement/allowance for a new employee. Note that new employees should NOT complete this form for themselves. Please reference the Moving Expense Procedures for detailed information.

Last Updated: May 1, 2024

Moving Reimbursement Pre-Approval Request Form

Purpose: If using State funds, the new employee must complete this form. Please reference the Moving Expense Procedures for detailed information.

Last Updated: May 1, 2024

Municipal Advisor Letter

Purpose: The municipal advisor letter serves as a certificate of representation between UNC Charlotte, its affiliated entities, and their retention of a municipal advisor. We are represented and will rely on our municipal advisor to provide advice concerning the issuance of municipal securities, investment of bond proceeds, escrow investments, and other financial services needs. Once a new municipal advisor is assigned, an updated letter will be made public on this page.

Last Updated: October 28, 2024

NC-4 / NC-4 EZ Forms – North Carolina Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate

NC-4 Form NC Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate

NC-4 Form – North Carolina Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate and
NC-4 EZ Form – North Carolina Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
Complete this form so that University Payroll can withhold the correct amount of State income tax from your pay. For security purposes, do not email a completed tax form containing your social security number and other personally identifiable information. Use this form only if you do not have access to online tax information at my.charlotte.edu. For instructions on how to establish or change your Form NC-4 online, see this FAQ. Otherwise, securely deliver your forms to the Payroll Office using one of the three delivery methods mentioned in the FAQ.

Contact Email: PayrollDept@charlotte.edu

Last Updated: January 11, 2021

Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance Presentation

Training on Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance

Last Updated: February 22, 2017

North Carolina Department of Revenue


The North Carolina Department of Revenue’s mission is to fund public services benefiting the people of North Carolina.

Last Updated: February 15, 2022

Obtaining and Using a UNC Charlotte Receipt Book

Obtaining a receipt book

  • Please complete the form to request a Receipt Book. Once the Cashiers within the Office of the Bursar receive your request, they will email you and let you know when your book is ready for pick up. Please allow up to 24 hours for them to log your information and reply. 
  • You must be full-time faculty or staff to request a book and you must bring your employee ID card with you to pick up your book. Employee’s are responsible for this book until it is checked back into the Office of the Bursar.

depositing information

The Daily Deposit and Reporting Law (G.S. 147-77) require the depositing of all funds on a daily basis and to report the same on a daily basis. An exemption may be granted provided the funds to be deposited do not exceed $5,000.00 and that they are deposited at least once per week. For additional information, see University Policy 602.4.

using the receipt book

A receipt must be written when receiving payment in cash. The receipt book consists of three copies. The top receipt should be given to the payee, the middle copy should stay with the department and the third copy stays in the book for cashier reconciliation purposes. You will need to bring this book to the Office of the Bursar each time you make a deposit. On the deposit form you should indicate the starting receipt and the last receipt included in the deposit. The cashier will add these receipts to make sure they balance with the deposit form and initial, date, and write down the Banner receipt number on the last receipt.

If you should need to void a receipt please write VOID in big letters across the receipt and all three copies MUST remain in the book. If the top copy has already been torn out, please staple or tape it back in.

When your event is over or all receipts have been used (whichever is first) please return the book back to the Office of the Bursar after all your deposits have been made. The cashier will sign it back in.

**If your receipt book is lost, we will notify the business manager/department head and inform them that you will no longer be able to collect monies on behalf of the department until the receipt book is found.**

If you have any questions regarding these procedures please email the Office of the Bursar at bursar@charlotte.edu.

Last Updated: June 14, 2024

Office of State Controller (OSC)

Office of State Controller (OSC)

As the State’s Chief Fiscal Officer, the Controller serves as an independent resource to promote accountability while protecting the financial integrity of the State.

Office of State Human Resources (OSHR)

Office of State Human Resources (OSHR)

The Office of State Human Resources vision is to excel as a leader and partner in managing Human Resources for a North Carolina State Government that reflects the diversity and talent of our state.

Last Updated: February 15, 2022

Office of the State Auditor (OSA)

Office of the State Auditor (OSA)

The North Carolina Office of the State Auditor (OSA) performs an array of work, including financial statement audits, financial-related audits, performance audits, information technology audits, and investigative reports. We examine all facets of state government, including education, health, transportation, computer systems, regulatory processes, and public safety. OSA conducts special studies as requested by the Legislature and audits federal grant programs to ensure North Carolina can continue to receive federal money. Our work helps improve the efficiency of state government and helps the state retain its coveted AAA bond rating.

Last Updated: February 15, 2022

Other Reimbursements (Non-Travel), How to Pay

Instructions on how to pay for non travel reimbursements.

Payment method:

Use an Employee/Student Direct Pay Request (ESDPR) if the recipient is a:

  • Current UNC Charlotte employee
  • Student

For payments to non-student/non-employee vendors, use the electronic check request (eCR).

Rationale and other considerations:

Payment of non-travel reimbursements of expenses incurred (and not for services performed) should be initiated by submitting an ESDPR. This facilitates appropriate review and approval by Financial Services and helps ensure amounts paid are properly tracked for tax reporting purposes. How to do it:

  1. Download the ESDPR and complete according to the form instructions.
  2. Submit the completed form to the Disbursements Office according the instructions listed on the form.
PoliciesForms / Links

University Policy 601.8, Appropriate Use of University Funds

eCR Instructions

Employee/Student Direct Pay Request (ESDPR)

Contact for additional questions:

Email the Disbursement-Travel inbox at travel@charlotte.edu, or refer to the list of contacts on the Disbursements-Travel website.

Last Updated: December 1, 2022