Full List of Resources

Change Fund Reconciliation Form

Purpose: To assist with change fund reconciliation

Last Updated: January 11, 2021

Change Fund Request Form

Purpose: Use this form to request a change fund.

Last Updated: February 7, 2022

Chart of Accounts: Account Types

Purpose: Provide a list of account types found on the chart of accounts.

Contact Email: finsystems@charlotte.edu

Last Updated: November 13, 2014

Chart of Accounts: Fund Hierarchy
Chart of Accounts: Fund Types

Purpose: Table of UNC Charlotte Fund Types and their descriptions.

Last Updated: November 13, 2014

Chart of Accounts: Range of Expenditure Account Numbers and Budget Pools

Purpose: Provide Chart of Accounts Range of Expenditure Account Numbers and Budget Pools.

Last Updated: November 13, 2014

Choosing Account Codes in ARCHIBUS

Purpose: Shows the 2023 updates to ARCHIBUS and new account codes.

Last Updated: November 27, 2023

Compensatory Time Off Payout Request

Purpose: Supervisors may request a payout of accrued compensatory time off for any/all employee(s) by completing the payout request form and obtaining all necessary departmental and divisional approvals (funding, etc.). Employees must have more than 40 hours of accrued compensatory time off to receive consideration for payout. Email PayrollDept@charlotte.edu with questions related to the completion of this form.

Last Updated: February 10, 2025

Computers, Printers & Accessories – How to Procure and Pay
49er Mart logo

Payment method

Use 49er Mart to purchase computers, printers or related accessories. Note: Purchase of Apple products from the Niner Tech Computer Store. Refer to the Niner Tech website instructions.

All computer and printer purchases must abide by the Guideline for Security of Endpoints. Requests for exceptions to this guideline may be submitted to the Office of OneIT. See this FAQ for more information regarding the exception process.

Rationale and Other considerations

Orders are processed online through a web browser depending on the type of supplier used. Begin by choosing a supplier, then select items you want to purchase and place them in your virtual shopping cart. After you have finished shopping, your cart proceeds to the checkout. At this point, a requisition draft will be created, and you will need to enter the appropriate accounting codes, such as fund and account codes, to be used by your department for the order.

When you place the order, the workflow process will begin, and an email notification will be sent to the approvers notifying them of pending order. The level of approvals required depends on the dollar amount and the type of purchase. Once the final approval is granted, a purchase order (PO) is generated.

To receive the order, you must log in to 49er Mart. Receiving initiates the payment to the vendor.

How to do it

  1. Login to 49er Mart.
  2. Click the supplier’s logo (e.g., Dell, CDW-G).
  3. If the vendor is a punch-out supplier, you will be directed to the vendor’s site to shop for your item(s).
  4. Add the desired item(s) to your cart and click “Checkout” when finished ordering.
  5. You will be directed back to the 49er Mart site to create your requisition.
  6. Review your order details and click “Proceed to Checkout.”
  7. Select the appropriate accounting codes for your college/department.
  8. Perform a final review and click “Place Order.”


Email Purchasing at purchasing@charlotte.edu or refer to the list of Purchasing contacts.

Last Updated: February 27, 2024

Construction Projects: Asset Categories and Other Guidance

Purpose: Guidance on Capitalizable Construction Projects

Last Updated: November 13, 2014

Consulting Services, How to Procure and Pay
49er Mart logo


Consulting services are services provided by a contractor who is not actively involved in the process being studied, but rather provides expert, outside insight or advisory services about how to complete a task or perform it more efficiently. They possess specialized knowledge, experience, expertise, or professional qualifications that make them ideally suited to provide insights and direction. Generally, consultants are not managed by University personnel and are tasked with analyzing the situation in the manner they deem to be best. After they have collected and analyzed their data, they provide recommendations to the University about how to complete or alter the subject matter in question.

Payment method:

The preferred method for paying for services meeting the definition listed above is to use 49er Mart. If the services are to be provided by an individual rather than a business, please follow the instructions on how to Pay for Independent Contractors.

Rationale and other considerations:

A sole-source agreement or RFP may be required for certain consulting services. Please refer to the Purchasing Manual for additional guidance.

How to do it:

1. Complete a written justification memo to explain why the work to be performed by the consultant cannot be reasonably accomplished by employees of the ordering department (refer to Purchasing Manual for additional guidance).

2. Written justification must be approved by Materials Management and the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs.

3. Login to 49er Mart, enter the request using the General Services form and attach a copy of the agreement.

PoliciesProceduresForms / LinksTraining and Reference Materials
University Policy 601.11, Purchasing Policy

State of NC Purchase and Contract Division, Administrative Code

University Policy 601.8, Appropriate Use of University Funds
49er Mart Requester – Step-by-Step Guide

49er Mart Approver – Step-by-Step Guide

Materials Management Purchasing Manual

49er Mart Login

Banner Login

49er Mart Training in Canvas

49er Mart FAQs

Contact for additional questions:

Send an email to the Purchasing mailbox at purchasing@charlotte.edu or refer to the list of Purchasing contacts.

Last Updated: September 14, 2018

Contract Amendment Template
Categories:Forms, ResourcesTags:Purchasing

Purpose: Fill this form out when an existing contract between a contractor and the University needs to be changed.

Contact Email: purchasing@charlotte.edu

Last Updated: July 24, 2024

Contract Checklist

Purpose: Displays the Contract Checklist Flowchart. Reference the UNC Charlotte Contract Checklist.

Last Updated: November 13, 2014

Contract Review Workflow

Contract Review Workflow

Last Updated: November 13, 2014

Contract Template
Categories:Forms, ResourcesTags:Purchasing

Purpose: Use this document to create a contract between UNC Charlotte and a corporation or independent contractor who will be performing a service for the University. This template should be used to clearly define the scope of work, deliverables, and terms associated with the agreement.

Contact Email: purchasing@charlotte.edu

Last Updated: July 24, 2024

Currency Order Form

Currency Order Form

Purpose: Departments should complete this form when they need to order cash. Please note that all funds must be ordered from the bank and can take up to 72 hours to arrive. You will be contacted when your funds are available for pick up.

Last Updated: October 18, 2021

Debarred Vendors (NC Department of Administration)


  • Debarred vendors list – The North Carolina Department of Administration maintains a list of vendors debarred from doing business with the State of North Carolina, including their location, date of debarment, and reason for debarment.
  • Purchasing & Contract – Governs procurement for the State of North Carolina. Learn about state procurement practices and access links to NC eProcurement resources.

Last Updated: September 12, 2024

Departmental ePrint Reports

Purpose: Table of Departmental ePrint Reports

Last Updated: November 13, 2014