Manuals, Guides, and Procedures

Municipal Advisor Letter

Purpose: The municipal advisor letter serves as a certificate of representation between UNC Charlotte, its affiliated entities, and their retention of a municipal advisor. We are represented and will rely on our municipal advisor to provide advice concerning the issuance of municipal securities, investment of bond proceeds, escrow investments, and other financial services needs. Once a new municipal advisor is assigned, an updated letter will be made public on this page.

Last Updated: October 28, 2024

Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance Presentation

Training on Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance

Last Updated: February 22, 2017

Obtaining and Using a UNC Charlotte Receipt Book

Obtaining a receipt book

  • Please complete the form to request a Receipt Book. Once the Cashiers within the Office of the Bursar receive your request, they will email you and let you know when your book is ready for pick up. Please allow up to 24 hours for them to log your information and reply. 
  • You must be full-time faculty or staff to request a book and you must bring your employee ID card with you to pick up your book. Employee’s are responsible for this book until it is checked back into the Office of the Bursar.

depositing information

The Daily Deposit and Reporting Law (G.S. 147-77) require the depositing of all funds on a daily basis and to report the same on a daily basis. An exemption may be granted provided the funds to be deposited do not exceed $5,000.00 and that they are deposited at least once per week. For additional information, see University Policy 602.4.

using the receipt book

A receipt must be written when receiving payment in cash. The receipt book consists of three copies. The top receipt should be given to the payee, the middle copy should stay with the department and the third copy stays in the book for cashier reconciliation purposes. You will need to bring this book to the Office of the Bursar each time you make a deposit. On the deposit form you should indicate the starting receipt and the last receipt included in the deposit. The cashier will add these receipts to make sure they balance with the deposit form and initial, date, and write down the Banner receipt number on the last receipt.

If you should need to void a receipt please write VOID in big letters across the receipt and all three copies MUST remain in the book. If the top copy has already been torn out, please staple or tape it back in.

When your event is over or all receipts have been used (whichever is first) please return the book back to the Office of the Bursar after all your deposits have been made. The cashier will sign it back in.

**If your receipt book is lost, we will notify the business manager/department head and inform them that you will no longer be able to collect monies on behalf of the department until the receipt book is found.**

If you have any questions regarding these procedures please email the Office of the Bursar at

Last Updated: June 14, 2024

Other Reimbursements (Non-Travel), How to Pay

Instructions on how to pay for non travel reimbursements.

Payment method:

Use an Employee/Student Direct Pay Request (ESDPR) if the recipient is a:

  • Current UNC Charlotte employee
  • Student

For payments to non-student/non-employee vendors, use the electronic check request (eCR).

Rationale and other considerations:

Payment of non-travel reimbursements of expenses incurred (and not for services performed) should be initiated by submitting an ESDPR. This facilitates appropriate review and approval by Financial Services and helps ensure amounts paid are properly tracked for tax reporting purposes. How to do it:

  1. Download the ESDPR and complete according to the form instructions.
  2. Submit the completed form to the Disbursements Office according the instructions listed on the form.
PoliciesForms / Links

University Policy 601.8, Appropriate Use of University Funds

eCR Instructions

Employee/Student Direct Pay Request (ESDPR)

Contact for additional questions:

Email the Disbursement-Travel inbox at, or refer to the list of contacts on the Disbursements-Travel website.

Last Updated: December 1, 2022

Other Travel-Related Expenses, How to Pay

Instructions on how to pay for other travel related expenses.

Payment method:

Use a Travel Reimbursement and Expense Report Form to request reimbursement of taxi, ridesharing services, train, bus, ferry, toll expenses, tips/gratuity, or other related expenses incurred while traveling on University business. This applies if the traveler is a:

  • Current UNC Charlotte employee,
  • Current employee of an NC state agency,
  • Student, or
  • Independent Contractor.

Other acceptable payment methods include using a University-issued Purchasing Card (“P-Card”).

Note: Refer to University Policy 601.8, “Appropriate Use of University Funds” to confirm if this is a permissible use of funds for your area.

Rationale and other considerations:

Allowable ground transportation expenses include:

  • City/local subway, train, bus, taxi, ride-sharing services (i.e., Uber, Lyft), or ferry
  • Rental car, if prudent
  • Parking (lots and meters)
  • Highway/interstate tolls

You will be reimbursed only for transportation used to ensure that you arrive at your business destination – not for personal preference, going to off-site restaurants, or for tourist activities. Original, itemized receipts are required for reimbursement of ground transportation expenses. Receipts are not required for ground transportation expenses under $5, such as parking meter payments (provide an explanation in the comments section of the form). “Tips” do not pertain to meals or tips that are added to other claimed expenses (such as taxi or bus), but rather refers to gratuities for services rendered in which there are no associated costs (example: bell service, housekeeping service, or airport luggage service). When tips are claimed in excess of the guidelines stated in the University Travel Manual, they should be justified in writing and attached to the travel reimbursement form. Please refer to the University Travel Manual (see link below) for additional details.

How to do it:

  1. Review the policies and procedures listed below.
  2. Complete the Travel Reimbursement and Expense Report Form (tab 2 in the link provided below), along with additional documentation, if required.
  3. Submit the completed form(s), along with the previously approved Travel Authorization Form, to Travel & Complex Payments according to the instructions listed on the form.
PoliciesProceduresForms / LinksTraining and Reference Materials
University Policy 602.7, Travel Authorization and Reimbursement

OSBM Budget Manual (Refer to Section 5 for Travel Policies)

IRS Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses Publication (Publication 463)

University Policy 601.8, Appropriate Use of University Funds
Travel ManualTravel Forms PackageKnow Before You Go: A General Guide for Travelers

Expense Account Codes

Contact for additional questions:

Send an email to Travel or refer to the list of contacts on the Travel website.

Contact Email:

Last Updated: September 14, 2018

Out-of-State Employees Guidance

UNC Charlotte Strategy: physical location of workforce

  • UNC Charlotte has a strong preference for a North Carolina workforce. Hiring preference should be given to employees living and working in-state when all other factors are equal.
    • As a North Carolina entity, UNC Charlotte has a responsibility to provide NC public sector jobs when possible.
    • This applies to students, including graduate assistants, and temporary employees.
  • At this time, a workforce abroad should be avoided if possible considering the direct and indirect costs of compliance.
  • Restrictions:
    • Term: Out-of-state arrangements must be temporary in nature. Terms are limited to one year. Renewals must be approved annually.
    • Multiple jurisdictions: UNC Charlotte cannot accommodate withholding prorated income taxes for more than one state in a single pay period.
    • IT Security: Employees must use University-managed devices when working remotely.

Definition of Out-of-State Employee

An employee who will be located outside the state of North Carolina when performing work for UNC Charlotte. Examples:

  • A part-time faculty member teaching online classes 100% remotely outside of North Carolina.
  • A full-time faculty member on paid leave residing out of state and working on grant activity for UNC Charlotte.
  • Additional examples are included in the FAQs below.


If a potential need arises for an employee to complete work for UNC Charlotte from a non-NC jurisdiction for more than one month, complete the Out-of-State Work Approval Form at least 60 days prior to the proposed start date of the arrangement. All approvals as indicated on the form must be obtained.

The form is not needed if:

  • the duration of the work to be completed outside of NC is for one (1) month or less; or
  • the employee will not be doing work for UNC Charlotte while outside of NC (e.g., employee is on leave, or employee is part of a faculty exchange program); or
  • the employee is attending a work conference in another state

Note that the Out-of-State Work Approval Form must be completed in addition to standard Telework/Remote Work Request Form:

potential costs

  • Pass-through costs (e.g., state-specific benefits) may apply to individual employees or their hiring departments.
  • Costs are incurred every time the University must set up to withhold income taxes and set up unemployment insurance in other states. To check if the University is already set up in a specific state, contact the Tax Office.
  • Out-of-country employment requires contracted service with a professional employer organization (PEO). Estimated additional cost is 40-60% of the employee’s salary.


Almost all states require employers to withhold tax from wages earned in that state. To maintain a lawful out-of-state or international employee, UNC Charlotte must comply with requirements that vary by jurisdiction and include:

  • Employer registration
  • Employment and wage laws, including minimum wage and required pay frequency
  • Income tax withholding
  • Other taxes/withholding (e.g., disability, paid family leave, local jurisdiction requirements, required benefits)
  • Monthly/quarterly/year end reporting
  • New hire reporting
  • Unemployment insurance (UI)
  • Workers’ compensation



Does this apply to faculty who are out of state while on paid leave? (e.g., FMLA or official Reassignment of Duties)?
Yes, but only if they are doing work for the University or receive special compensation while in a different state.

How does this apply to faculty/staff who are working remotely and who may live in South Carolina?
Employees should complete the Out-of-State Work Approval Form. If approved, they should switch their withholding to South Carolina by completing and signing the South Carolina Form SC W-4, South Carolina Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate, and returning it to the Payroll Department on campus (Reese Building 3rd Floor; do not email forms with Social Security numbers). If at any point employees need to change their withholding back to North Carolina, they should submit an updated NC-4 in My Charlotte and notify the Payroll Department to stop withholding in South Carolina via an email to

If a faculty member teaches out of state/out of the country for 5 weeks, is that ok?
They should complete the Out-of-State Work Approval Form. Approvers will determine if the arrangement introduces additional compliance requirements in the jurisdiction in question.

What is the risk to the University?
The individual has the tax liability to pay; however, they may make a case to their department that they were not informed of the tax concern and need to report and expect the department to pay the taxes owed (which has occurred). The risk to the University is financial in terms of back taxes owed, interest, and penalties that may be applied to the campus from the taxing entity (out of state local or state entity or international entity) due to non-compliance. This risk is tied to the dollar level and pattern of non-compliance, but regulations are becoming more closely monitored by all entities given better use of data matching and the states’ needs for tax revenue in the current environment.


Created February 2019
Rev. 3/5/19, 6/11/19, 10/4/19, 11/06/20, 3/18/21, 4/09/21, 7/01/21, 12/02/2022

Last Updated: December 2, 2022

Overview of Travel (Videos)

Click play for an Overview of Travel Rules for State Employees provided by the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management (NC OSBM).

Click play for an Overview of Travel Reimbursement for State Employees provided by the NC OSBM.

UNC Charlotte specific travel guidance and forms for faculty and staff are available on the Financial Services Travel webpage.

Contact Email:

Last Updated: September 30, 2022

Payroll Calendar

Payroll Calendar

Purpose: Add and view the University’s Google payroll calendar by selecting the payroll calendar link. Detailed instructions are available on the University FAQ site.

Contact Email:

Last Updated: January 23, 2024

Petty Cash/Change Fund Procedures

Procedures for Petty Cash and Change Fund at UNC Charlotte.

Last Updated: February 7, 2022

Pilferable Assets Template

Purpose: This template is an example of how to maintain important information about assets that are at risk of theft. Examples of pilferable assets that each department shall maintain include laptops, computers, data projectors and other pilferable assets costing between $1,000 and $5,000.   


Last updated: April 22, 2024

Procedures for Other Payments to a Foreign National

Describes procedures for other payments to a foreign national.

Last Updated: November 13, 2014

Procedures for Scholarship/Fellowship Payment to a Foreign National

Purpose: Describes how to process scholarship and fellowship payments made to a foreign national person. Examples of these types of payment may include but are not limited to the following: qualified scholarships for tuition; non-qualified scholarships for living expenses; travel award.

Contact Email:

Last Updated: April 28, 2023

Professional Development & Training Materials

We recognize the critical role business officers and their associates play in the university’s financial operations, serving as the front line for transactions and ensuring compliance. As the university evolves and our teams grow, we are committed to providing enhanced professional development and offering updated and new training courses tailored to your specific needs. This includes targeted microlearnings addressing key financial competencies and common user issues. Training materials are readily accessible on this page and course registration is available through the Learning and Development Portal, unless otherwise noted.

Required System Training

For compliance and security purposes, some systems require training before access is granted.

  • Merchant Training – This is a required training for all merchants that accept card information as a form of payment through point of sales, web, phone or paper forms to maintain compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Learn more about Merchant Training requirements.
  • Purchasing Card Program Training – Provides the purchasing card account holder, reconciler and approver roles user training. A new on-demand user and biannual cardholder training will be available by mid-April 2025. Learn more about the Purchasing Card Program Training.
  • Offered by the Office of OneIT
    • Banner training required to gain access to Banner, the University’s administrative system of record. Both courses are on-demand self-paced classes.
      • Banner Finance TrainingLog into Canvas using your NinerNET credentials, select the Course icon from the left side-bar menu and select Training-Banner Finance (the course list will vary by user).
      • IT Security Training – available in L&D Portal – learn more about IT Security Training
On-Demand Training

On-demand training provides convenient, self-paced learning that you can access anytime, anywhere. Available courses include:

  • Navigating Finance Fundamentals – Ideal for employees new to university roles requiring finance and budget competencies or responsibilities, including business officers and business coordinators. Now available in the Learning and Development Portal!
  • Sources and Uses of University Funds – Covers the broad categories of funding sources and some key considerations for the use of these funds. Learn more about the Sources and Uses of University Funds.
  • Endowment Overview and Update Training – Includes the results of the annual spending calculation and provides a high-level overview of the University’s endowment process. Targeted to those who manage endowment funds for their department. Learn more about Endowment spending.
  • Internal Controls presentation – A brief training on internal controls at UNC Charlotte. Learn more about Internal Controls.
Instructor-Led Training

Engage with expert instructors and fellow learners in our live instructor-led courses, offered throughout the year. View the schedule and register through the Learning and Development Portal.

  • Charlotte’s Travel (everything you need to know about traveling for UNC Charlotte)
  • Complex Payments and Tax Guidance – For employees who are responsible for submitting payment requests and interested in learning more about the tax implications of payments made by the University
  • Employment of Internationals Workshop – Understand immigration, employment and tax requirements for on-boarding international employees
  • Fixed Assets – This workshop will benefit asset custodians, inventory coordinators, department business service, or anyone involved with the annual physical inventory process, entering Fixed Assets eForms, and 49er Mart purchasers with account coding
  • Purchasing and Accounts Payable 101 – Provides information on the University’s purchasing policies and procedures as well as procedures for invoice payments
  • Purchasing 201: Solicitations and Contracts – Detailed training on the competitive solicitation and contract processes
  • Hosted by OneIT Financial Systems Support
    • Concur for Purchasing Card Expense Report (Non-travel) – Covers purchasing card (p-card) reconciliation process in Concur for employees who reconcile their own p-cards or have been delegated responsibility for reconciling other employees’ p-cards
    • Concur for Travelers – A walk through of the travel request to expense report process for employees who travel on behalf of the university and are responsible for preparing their own travel-related processes
Microlearning Video Tutorials

Need a quick answer? Our microlearnings provide short, focused videos to guide you through a specific process in minutes. Available videos:

More video tutorials will continue to be added! Check back often.


Join the conversation! Our online forums, offered by Financial Services and partner offices, are excellent for knowledge sharing and connecting with subject matter experts and peers. Find a forum that suits your interests.

  • Admin Forum – Monthly training and support for campus administrative staff; learn more about the Admin Forum and Admin Chat Room Group.
  • Business Update Forum – Held periodically throughout the year, each session is customized for the needs of those individuals who lead and support the business operations within the University’s colleges and departments. Learn more about the Business Update Forum.
  • Hosted by OneIT Financial Systems Support
    • 49er Mart Forum – Held the 4th Thursday monthly; forum information will be posted to the 49er Mart message board and in the Learning and Development Portal
    • Concur User Group Forum – Covers a variety of topics such as system updates, best practices, frequently asked questions and answers and discussion of experiences in Concur. You can find the most recent session recordings and slide decks on the Concur landing page. Forum registration (optional) is available in the Learning and Development Portal

Partner Office resources

In addition to the training resources provided above, we collaborate closely with several partner offices to offer a comprehensive learning experience. For specialized training with budgets, please visit the Budget Office website. For resources related to finance and human resources systems, including Banner Finance/HR Position Control/Accounts Receivable modules, related Report Central portals, 49er Mart (eprocurement), Concur (travel and expense), Kronos, Niner Research, Web Time Entry and other ancillary applications the Office of OneIT Financial Systems Support provides extensive online materials. We encourage you to learn more about offered sessions to further enhance your professional development.

additional finance resources

Reference the FAQs available in the Knowledge Base to find answers to common finance and system-related questions.

Last updated: March 25, 2025

Promotional items vendor list

Purpose: Below is a list of vendors UNC Charlotte has contracted with for promotional items. Reach out to them directly to obtain a quote.

Vendor NameContact NameContact email
Action PlusAlicia
Blink MarketingJenny
Club ColorsAlexis
Promo LogicAngie

Contact Email:

Last Updated: August 13, 2024

Purchase Order Review

Purpose: Review open Purchase Order Encumbrances in Banner.

Last Updated: November 13, 2014

Purchasing Agent Departmental Listing

Purpose: This file contains a table of purchasing agents by level 5 organizational code.

Contact Email:

Last Updated: See date in workbook tab

Purchasing Card Manual

Purpose: Provides general Information and detailed procedures for card issuance and card processes, purchasing guidelines and documentation requirements.

Last Updated: January 8, 2025

Purchasing Card Program Training

Purpose: To provide the purchasing card account holder, reconciler and approver roles user training workshop registration information and the related presentation. A new on-demand user and biannual accountholder training will be available mid-April!

Register for this one-hour virtual P-card user training session by logging into the University’s Learning and Development Portal. Once logged into the Portal, select Learning > Learner Home. Enter “p-card” in the search box and tap the enter key. Select the p-card result to view all available sessions and register. For additional Portal details, please reference the Learning and Development FAQs.

Contact Email:

Last Updated: January 7, 2025