Purpose: Use this eForm to surplus assets; report assets that are lost, stolen, or cannibalized for parts; trade-in assets; transfer an asset to another UNC Charlotte Department; transfer an asset between agencies; return product to vendor; change the name of the custodian or location of an asset within your department.
Purpose: Complete this electronic form (eForm) to report and track the costs associated with the fabrication of equipment. This includes instances when multiple items are purchased on more than one purchase order, and those items will be combined to make one asset. A more detailed definition of fabricated equipment is provided on the form.
Purpose: Use this eForm to create a new off-campus equipment use agreement or to extend or terminate an existing agreement. Agreements can only be effective for one year at a time.
Last Updated: January 11, 2021
Foreign National Information Form – Non-Student Version
Purpose: To calculate gross-up payments or reimbursements to employees so that the employee’s tax liability is paid by the department. Discretionary funds are the only fund type that may be used for this purpose.
Purpose: The ICC form is used to determine the worker classification (Independent Contractor or Employee) of a service provider. It is located in 49er Mart. Use your UNC Charlotte login credentials to access this eForm. This eForm should be completed by the department wishing to hire an independent contractor. View these FAQs for more information on the ICC.
Purpose: This document should be used to establish an agreement between UNC Charlotte and an individual who will be providing a specialized, personal service to the University. Use this template for services involving personal, intellectual properties or talents such as photographers, artist, or performers.
If your department/unit is interested in being able to process payment cards (e.g., credit cards) for University-related activity, please fill out this initial interest form to assess whether your department/unit meets the required criteria.
Purpose: This form is for non-employees and students to request reimbursement for miles driven using a personal vehicle as well as parking, ride sharing, light rail or transit pass expenses. All business miles will be reimbursed at the IRS Standard Business Mileage rate, which is subject to change periodically (note that the rate changed, effective January 1, 2025).
Non-employees (e.g., job candidates and speakers) and students will use the current paper forms to handle their expenses until this population transitions into Concur later. Graduate assistants were loaded into Concur as employees at the time of the initial launch.
Purpose: Complete this form for actual missing receipts that include the “5 Ws” (Who, What, When, Where, and Why) in the purchasing card comments or on the reimbursement request (e.g., Travel Expense Report, ESDPR). Note that the Travel or Purchasing Card staff may still request that the payee attempt to obtain a more detailed receipt or otherwise document that a more detailed receipt is unavailable. Get this form signed and dated electronically (preferred) using DocuSign.
Purpose: Use this form to request a mobile communication device (MCD) allowance, per University Policy 602.10, “Mobile Communication Device Allowances,” Section III. Please review the MCD FAQs for additional guidance on completing this eForm.
Purpose: Use this form to request a moving reimbursement/allowance for a new employee. Note that new employees should NOT complete this form for themselves. Please reference the Moving Expense Procedures for detailed information.